Dr CHAN Ka Wai, aged 41, joined Giordano in 2000 and was appointed as an Executive Director and the Chief Operating Officer in 2014. Giordano is a well-known international apparel retailer with retail sales up to US$ 1 billion. Its business operates in more than 30 countries with 2,400 stores worldwide. Giordano has been listed in Hong Kong stock exchange since 1991. Dr CHAN is responsible for Mainland China while directing the Group’s operations. Dr CHAN has extensive experience in apparel retailing especially in management and sales operations.
Dr CHAN holds a Doctorate degree in Business Administration and a Master degree in Global Business Management. Meanwhile, Dr CHAN has just completed a Master degree in Accountancy and is going to enroll in another Master degree course in Laws later this year. Dr CHAN is also a frequent speaker in different universities and business forums.