
Dr Jingqiang Lin
Associate Professor, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Dr. Jingqiang Lin is currently an Associate Professor at Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph.D. and MS degrees from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009 and 2004, respectively. His research interest includes public key infrastructures and information security. He has published lots of papers in top conferences and journals such as IEEE S&P, NDSS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE SRDS, CHES, ACNS, and SecureComm.

Dr. Lin participates in the activities of China Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Consortium and Asia PKI Consortium (former Asia PKI Forum) since 2006. He won National Science and Technology Progress Award of China (2nd place) as the 6th co-winner of Project “Research and Applications of Public Key Infrastructure Technologies” in 2005; Science and Technology Progress Award of Beijing (2nd place) as the 6th co-winner of Project “The Key Technologies of Public Key Infrastructure” in 2004.